Please note: Thailand has introduced new restrictions on non Thai residents using PayPal in Thailand. We are working on an alternative payment gateway which should be up and running shortly. In the meantime, please email me on to discuss alternative payment options.


Ref: DR11917
  • £110.00

Netherlands East Indies. (Italy - Postage Due). 1927. Envelope addressed to Italy bearing Netherlands Yvert 142, 10c orange-red tied by Amsterdam Central slogan '26th Jan 27' , underpaid with 'T' m/s in blue crayon and bearing Italy postage dues Yvert 5, 5c orange/carmine and Yvert 9, 40c orange/carmine (pair) tied by Genova receiver '28/1' and re-directed to the Dutch Indies with Netherlands Indies postage dues SG D231, 10c salmon tied by Weltevreden arrival '9/3' and forwarded to Padang bearing postage due SG D231, 10c salmon tied by Padang receiver '15th Mar' on face. Nice combination cover of postage dues.