Netherlands Indies. (Red Cross Information Form). 1942. Red Cross Information form headed 'Comite International de la Croix - Rouge/ Palais du Conseil General/ Geneve (Suisse) dated '15th Jan 1942' from 'Gerda Thierens, Java' addressed to 'Clara v.d. Hoop, Delft, Zud Holland' with 'C.I.N. 764/ 2. - T' (Contact Bureau Indie - Nederland), routed via Geneva with circular 'Comite International de la Croix Rouge/ Geneve' hand-stamp on face and reverse '11 Mai 1942', Japanese Red Cross 'Societe de la Croix Rouge du Japan/ Tokio/ Service de Secours Pour Les Prisonners de Guerre' in carmine on reverse dated 'Mar 27 1944' and boxed 'Ken' etsuzumi' (censored) with oval seal of "Suzuki" on face in orange and framed 'Jawa Yoku 3 (Java Internee (district) 3' with P.O.W. number '15558' and endorsed 'Kamp 44' in blue crayon.
Scarce Red Cross formula form (Bulterman Type 3) written from Java to the Netherlands and replied back via Geneva and Japan Red Cross Tokio to Java.
Netherlands text was not allowed.