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1919 | Spain

Ref: DR17506
  • £245.00

Spain. (Internees From German Cameroons). 1919. Stampless envelope written by 'Jorge Gebel, Internee Aleman, Pamplona' endorsed 'por Estafeta Militar' addressed to 'Comite International de la Croix Rouge, Bureau des Reaseignements sur les Prisonniers de Guerre, Geneve', hand-stamped 'Service Des Internes en Espagne/ Article 11 de la Convention Principle/ Estafeta Militar' and oval 'Ouvert/ Par l'Autorite Militaire/ 203' with Bern receiver '13th Jun 19' on face.
On October 8th 1916 the German colony of Kamerouns fell to the Allies, the following February around 1000 German troops and civilians crossed the border into Spanish Rio Muni. The soldiers were interned and m,ost returned to Spain and housed in Pamplona or Alcala near Madrid.