Finland. (Netherlands East Indies). 1874. Pre-stamp folded letter written from Batavia, Dutch East Indies addressed to Jacobstad, Finland (Russia) cancelled by Batavia date stamp '27th Sept 1874, rated '30' in lilac ink on reverse, routed via Brindisi with French entry cachet/ T.P.O. 'Ind. Neer. V. Brind./ A. MOD' in red on face '7th Nov', carried overland via Germany with St. Petersburg transit '30th Nov' on reverse, charged '6' in blue crayon with framed Finish 'ANK/ 16/ 12' and rated '1 = 20 losen' in m/s on face and '120 p' in blue crayon on reverse.
Mail from the Netherlands East Indies to Finland is very scarce.
Ex Paul Bulterman.
Netherlands East Indies. (Forwarding Agents). 1846. Pre-stamp folded letter written from Rotterdam dated '8th February' addressed to Djococarta forwarded from Batavia with oval 'Bevorderd Door/Batavia/ Reijnst & Vinju' (Forwarding Agent) in blue and 'Zeebrief/ Ongefranzee' on face and rated '120' in m/s on arrival.
Ex Paul Bulterman collection.
Netherlands East Indies. (Forwarding Agents). 1844. Pre-stamp envelope written from Amsterdam dated '1st August 1844' addressed to Batavia endorsed 'Nieuwe Diep' with bold framed 'Received & Forwarded/ Gebs Ziere Kichlen & Tagler/ Ship Agents "Nieuwe Diep" in red on reverse.
Superb quality. Carried by Private ship.
Ex Paul Bulterman collection.
Great Britain. (Ship Letter - Netherlands East Indies). 1823. Pre-stamp folded letter addressed to Batavia, Java, cancelled by 'Greenock/ 8 Mar 1823' hand-stamp on reverse, routed via Glasgow with London/ Paid and double oval 'Post Paid Ship L.r/ London' in red dated '10 Mr 1823' (Robertson S. 46) and charged '2/1', endorsed 'per "Jemima" with oval 'Zeebrief/ Batavia' in red on face and rated '15' in m/s on face in black ink.
Netherlands East Indies. (German States). 1822. Pre-stamp folded letter written from Batavia dated '1st May 1822' addressed to East Friesland, cancelled by oval 'Batavia/ Franco' in vermilion and endorsed 'via Ost Friesland/ Het Konengrys Hannover' and endorsed 'Franco', with hand-struck 'FRANCO/ GRENZEN' in red (Van der Linden 1477) and instructional 'Na Posttyd' (After Post Time) in black on reverse with 'Den Helder/ Zeebrief' in red (Van der Linden 952) and rated '2gr 6g'in red crayon on face and '12' in black ink on reverse with circular '4/ NOV' indicating arrival.
Very fine item with 5 page letter a transit of 6 months.
In 1806 East Frisia was annexed by the Napoleonic Kingdom of Holland and later became part of the French Empire.
After the Napoleonic Wars East Frisia was occupied first by Prussian and then by Russian soldiers and in 1813 was re-annexed by Prussia. However in 1815, Prussia had to cede East Frisia to the Kingdom of Hanover.
Ex Paul Bulterman collection.
Persian Gulf. (Kuwait). 1957. Registered Air Mail envelope addressed to Ahmadi, Kuwait bearing Kuwait SG 116, 4a on 4d ultramarine (pair) tied by Registered/ Mabarakya Street, Kuwait date stamp '18th Mr 57' with matching registered label.
Registered internal Air Mail. Scarce.
Persian Gulf. (Oman - Masirah Island). 1958. Air Mail envelope written from 'R.A.F. Masirah Island, Oman' addressed to Surrey, England bearing Great Britain 'Wilding' SG 520, 3d violet in combination with Aden SG 54, 25c rose-red tied by 'R.A.F. MASIRAH/ Orderly Room/ Dec 1958/ R.A.F. MASIRAH' hand-stamp in violet with Aden transit from F.P.O. 937 dated 13th Dec 1958.
Very rare item from the R.A.F. Base on Masirah Island of the coast of Oman.
Persian Gulf. (India used in Aden - France). 1865. Folded letter sheet written from Aden dated '3rd Oct 65' addressed to France bearing India SG 44, 2a orange and SG 47, 4a green tied by '124' in lozenge with Aden - Str - Point single arc on reverse '3rd Oct 65' with framed 'India Paid' in red and boxed 'PD' on face with 'Poss. Ang. V. Suez A Marseille A' ambulant on face (Salles 1874) in red and Bordeaux arrival '31st Oct'.
A very fine cover from the Aden Steamer Point with '124' numeral and framed INDIA PAID applied in Aden addressed to France.
Aden. (Hadramaut). 1960. Air Mail envelope addressed to England bearing Hadramaut SG 39, 10c grey and SG 31, 15c deep-green (pair) tied by Jol Ba Hawa bilingual date stamp in violet with Mukalla transit '25th Au 60' on reverse.
Aden. (Paquebot - India). 1935. Envelope endorsed 'Posted at Sea on board the 'S.S. "British Judge" at noon on May 6th 1935 in Lat 17 -10 North/ Long 55 - 54 East' addressed to 'Royal Naval Hospital, Plymouth, Devon' bearing Aden postal fiscal 'six pence' orange tied by 'PAQUEBOT/ Aden' double ring '11th May 35' with adjacent Aden transit and on reverse boxed 'Support The Jubilee Fund/ 11 May 35/ 7 am/ ADEN' and hand-stamped "British Judge" dated '6th May 1935' with India violet label 'Their Majesties/ Silver Jubilee/ Fund/ To Relieve Stress & Suffering in India' applied on reverse.
Lovely item posted at sea in the Gulf of Aden on the day of the Silver Jubilee with scarce Silver Jubilee Aden hand-stamp.
Sudan.(Afrique Equatoriale Francaise - Cameroun). 1941. Air Mail envelope addressed to the French Military, Yaounde, French Cameroun bearing SG 41a, 5m olive and black and SG 80, 4 1/2 on 8p emerald and black tied by El Fasher date stamp '26th Mar 41', endorsed 'Par Avion' with 'Sudan/ 12/ Censorship' label, sent overland to Geneina Fort '27th Mar' and Fort Lamy/ Tchad '2nd Avril' on reverse, then carried by Air Mail to Benin, Nigeria with circular 'Contole Postal/ Afrique Equatoriale Francaise/ Commission G' (applied in Benin) and 'Controle Postal/ Territoire du Cameroun/ Commission B' (applied in Yaounde) on face.
Lovely item sent overland through Darfur Province into Tchad and onwards by French internal African Airways.
Censored in Sudan, French Equatorial Africa and French Cameroun, the Yaounde censor only recorded in June 1941.
Sudan. (East Africa Campaign - Egypt). 1941. Air Mail envelope written from 'On The Water - En Route For ?' addressed to 'Miss Evelyne Husseuet, Heliopolis Sporting Club, Cairo' endorsed 'On Active Service' bearing Sudan SG 41, 5m olive and black and SG 45, 15m ultramarine and chestnut (pair) tied by Shellala - Halfa/ T.P.O./ No 1' date stamp '21st JAN 41', carried by Air Mail with bilingual 'By Air Mail/ Par Avion' label with circular 'Deputy Chief Field Censor' in violet on face with Heliopolis receiver on reverse '23rd Jan'.
The East Africa Campaign was fought in East Africa by the British Empire against Italy and its colony of Italian East Africa between June 1940 and November 1941.
Captain Maxwell Setton served in the Sudan and was part of East Africa Force advancing into Eritrea and Ethiopia. Later becoming Deputy Censor in Benghazi and Cyrenaica as part of the 'Occupied Enemy Territory Administration and later Chief Censor in Asmara, Eritrea.
Lovely cover and 4 page letter text in English and French from Maxwell Setton to his sweetheart in Egypt. After the war Captain Setton produced more than 15 hit films in Hollywood.
Egypt. (German Colonies - Marshall Islands). 1896. Egypt postal stationery envelope 'One Piastre' blue cancelled by Caire date stamp '18th July 96' addressed to Jaluit, Marshall Islands endorsed 'via Singapore, Manilla' and routed via Suez '19/7' and Colombo 'Aug 1st' with Singapore 'Aug 8th' and Jaluit/ Marschall/ Insein' arrival on reverse '12th Oct'.
The Marshall Islands is a Micronesian nation of atolls and islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The islands first used German stamps in 1888 with overprinted German stamps becoming available in 1897.
A wonderful item of incoming mail from Egypt taking nearly 12 weeks to reach the Marshall Islands.
Poland. (French Troops in Poland). 1919. Stamp-less picture post card of 'Cathedral, Krakowie' dated '16/10/19' addressed to France cancelled by 'Tresor et Postes/ 309' date stamp '18th Oct 19' with circular 'Mission Francaise en Pologne/ Gare Regulatrice de Trezebinia' in violet.
The first Polish divisions were formed in France in the Spring of 1917. The majority of the recruits were Poles serving with the French Army. After the Armistice the army fully equipped by the French Government transferred to Poland. The army was initially under French command. In October 1918 General Haller was appointed as its commander. They were almost immediately engaged fighting the Bolsheviks in Ukraine.
Field Post Office No 309 was located at Krakow from '6.19 - 10.19.' Trezebinia is a major rail junction on the Krakow - Katowice line.
Poland. (French Detachment in Poland). 1919. Printed Polish Red Cross post card dated '24/9/19' and written from the 'French Military Mission, Varsovie (Warsaw) addressed to Nice cancelled by 'Tresor et Postes/ 311' date stamp '27th Sept 1919'.
In the hope of achieving independence for their homeland following the war, Polish volunteers fought on the Western Front against the Germans. After the armistice these units (accompanied by their French officers) were transported home in April 1919. Military mail received a wide variety of markings related to the French Mission. Field Post Office No 311 operated in Warsaw from August 1919 to April 1922 at Polish Army Headquarters.
Serbia. (Serbian Relief Force). 1916. Stampless Italian Army post card headed 'Cartolina Postale Itaiana in Franchigia/ Correspondence of the Royal Army' endorsed 'On Active Service' addressed to England cancelled by 'Field Post Office/ W. 4' double ring '21 Au 16' with oval Serbian Relief Fund/ Hospital/ Corfu' in violet and framed Passed By (Crown)/ No 3231/ Censor' in carmine on face.
An Italian Army Postcard processed through the British Army Postal System. Serbian Relief Fund hospital on Corfu was established to treat the Serbian soldiers and refugees who had taken part in the Great Retreat through Albania and then by ship to the island of Corfu where they came under the care of the British Adriatic Mission, the temporary seat of the Serbian Government in Exile.
Field Post Office W.4 on Corfu, Greece (24.2.16) - (18.1.17).
Serbia. (Serbian Army in Bizerte - Tunisia). 1918. Stampless picture post card of 'Camel and Camel Driver' addressed to Algeria, North Africa written from Ain Berda (Bizerte), Tunisia with dispatch date stamp '10th Avril 18' and circular 'Hopital Auxiliare Ain Berda/ Camp des Serbes/ Le Medicin Chef' in violet.
After the Serbian army's retreat through Albania in 1915, part of the army was transported by the French Navy to their Naval Base at Bizerte. Serbian soldiers and volunteers were housed in Camps in Bizerte and as the fighting escalated on the Salonica front with Greece, soldiers were transported to the Salonica front while the wounded were transported back to Tunisia.
Serbian wounded soldiers were treated in various camps in North Africa, Tunis, Sousse, Sidi Abdala and Camp D' Ain Berda near Bizerte. A total of 41, 153 Serbian soldiers were treated in the Tunisian hospitals.
Postal history with the Serbian Hospital camp cachets from North Africa are very rare. This Ain Berde Hospital in Bizerte is the first we have seen.
Yugoslavia. (Austria). 1921. Envelope addressed to Ormoz bearing Austria Yvert 200, 40h carmine-brown tied by Wien date stamp '16th Mar 21', underpaid with m/s 'T 2. 10' in blue crayon on face and bearing Yugoslavia postage dues SG D165, 10p on 15v blue and SG D167, 50p on 15v blue tied by Ormoz arrival '26th Mar 21' on face and second strike on reverse.
Today Ormoz is part of Slovenia on the river with Croatia.
Ex Kiddle.
Croatia. (Fiume). 1919. Envelope addressed to Fiume bearing Yugoslavia (issue for Croatia), Newspaper SG N83, (2F) orange (imperf) tied by Susak date stamp '9th Jan 19', underpaid and bearing Fiume postage dues Yvert 11, 20fl green and red and Yvert 11, 20fl green and red (bi-sect) tied by Fiume receiver '13th Jan 19' with hand-struck '40' tax hand-stamp in violet
Mailed from Susak, Croatia with 2 filir stamp for payment of printed matter. Whilst double charge for a letter was 40 filler (indicated in violet), double printed matter of 10 filler was permitted, leaving 30 filler due, paid by 20f and bisected 20f.
The Hungarian port (enclave) of Fiume (now known as Rijeka in former Yugoslavia) was occupied by Allied troops frfom 17th November 1918 until 12th September 1919. Subsequently it was seized by an Italian poet, Gabriele d' Annunzio, who proclaimed it an an Italian Regency. By the Treaty of Rapallo it became a Free State from 24th December 1920 until 22nd February 1924. Under a new treaty it was incorporated into Italy on 22nd February 1924.
Ex Kiddle.
Montenegro. (British Detachment in Montenegro). 1919. Stamp-less envelope on 'British Legation, Montenegro' crested envelope written from the 'British Legation, Cetinje, Montenegro by Lieut. Sidney J. Travers' and signed, dated 'Aug 6th 1919' addressed to England routed via Taranto (Italy) with 'Army Post Office/ S 100' double ring '19th Aug' and framed 'Passed by Censor/ 4333' with London roller '25th Aug and forwarded to Padstow.
Fine item with letter mentioning return to Albania and then Taranto. Photo of Lieut. Travers on horseback included.
Mail from the Troops in Montenegro or Albania was passed through Army Post Office S 100 at Taranto, Italy and may be identified by the Battalion's censor hand-stamp No 433 which was used part time in Albania and Montenegro.
United States. (Great Britain). 1870. Envelope addressed to England bearing 'Washington' SG 138, 3c green (pair) tied by cork obliterator and Newport R.I. date stamp 'Jul 7 1870' with 'Paid' hand-stamp, routed via New York with Bawtry arrival on reverse 'July 20' and forwarded from Yorkshire to London bearing Great Britain SG 43, 1d red tied by Bawtry/ 55 duplex 'July 20' with London receiver 'July 21st' on reverse.
Very attractive item of re-directed mail.
United States. (Netherlands East Indies - Borneo Islands). 1940. Envelope addressed to Bandjermasin, Borneo, Netherlands Indies bearing United States 'Prexie' SG 565, 5c bright blue tied by Erie, Pa. date stamp 'Oct 21' with 'Door Censuur Geopend' label tied by circular 'Ned. Deviezen Instituut/ Deviezen Soerabaja/ 6' in carmine on face and reverse with endorsement 'Arrived Soerabaja 17-12-40.'
United States. (Algeria - North African Pilot School in the United States). 1944. Stamp-less envelope written from 'F/C Ramos c. Elve Pilot - Mission Militaire Francaise Aux Etats - Unis/ Section Mission Comite de la Liberation National Alger' addressed to Bone, Algeria, North Africa, endorsed 'a faire suivre SVP' (to forward please) cancelled by circular 'C.F.P.N.A./ Washington D.C./ Le Vagumestre' in carmine on face with 'Examined By/ 34' US censor tape and 'Armee Francaise/ Controle' censor tape in orange on reverse with Alger arrival '15th Mars 1944'.
After the Anglo-American landing in North Africa and Algeria on 1st February 1943 it was decided to create the 'CFPNA' (Centre de Formation du Personnel Navigation en Amerique) or 'Centre for Training Aircrew in America'.
In June 1943 the first contingent of 120 men left Casablanca for the USA.
A French mailman in Washington served the CFPNA staff the mail being carried via Casablanca.
This cover bears the 'CFPNA' Washington cachet in carmine, normally seen in blue and has the scarce orange/yellow French censor on the reverse with the US censor tape number under 100 being very rare.
United States. (Gibraltar - Spain). 1843. Stamp-less folded letter written from New York dated '21st Feb 1843' addressed to Cadiz, Spain (via Gibraltar) with hand-struck 'D. Gibr./ S.Roque/ And. Baxa' in red on face, with San Roque '27th March' on reverse, hand-stamped 'ESTADOS UNIDOS' in red and charged '5R' (Five Reales) and Cadiz receiver on reverse.
Carried by United States ship directly to Gibraltar and onwards to San Roque and charged with the local Gibraltar to Cadiz '5R' hand-stamp. Only 15 to 20 items known with the 'ESTADOS UNIDOS' Provenance hand-stamp.
Ex "Professor David Stirrups".
United States. (Netherlands East Indies). 1940. United States postal stationery envelope '5c black' cancelled by 'New York/ Wall Street' slogan 'Oct 9th 1940' addressed to Pasoervean, Java with 'Door Censuur Geopend' label (black on white) tied by 'Gencenureerd/ 29' hand-stamp in carmine on face and reverse with 'Door Censuur Geopend' printed brown censorship tape tied by circular 'Ned. Ind. Deviezen Instituut/ Deviezen/ Censuur/ Soerabaja/ 3' in carmine on face and reverse.
Double censorship labels from the Netherlands Indies, very fine.
Thailand. (Printed Matter Rate - Singapore). 1940. Envelope addressed to Penang bearing SG 286, 3s green tied by bilingual Bhuket date stamp with 'Passed For Transmission' hand-stamp on face applied in Singapore.
Nice item of censored mail paying the un opened printed matter rate.
Thailand. (Horse Shoe Route via South Africa). 1941. Air Mail envelope written 'c/o The Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Tongkan (Phuket)' addressed to England bearing SG 243, 50s black and orange-brown, SG 244, 1t green and lilac, SG 289, 15s blue and SG 295, 25s orange and slate tied by bilingual Bhuket date stamp '30th Aug 84' (1941) with Thai circular censor "6" or "9" in violet and 'Opened By Examiner/ 580' label applied in London on arrival.
Very fine four colour combination paying the 1 baht ninety satang rate, carried by 'BOAC' on the 'horseshoe route' via Durban, then ship to Lisbon and air to U,K,
Thailand. (Provincial Postmarks). 1889. Siam SG 14, 4a green and brown cancelled by Puket date stamp '15th Dec 89' with small part Penang transit date stamp lower right.
Thailand. (Provincial Postmarks - Penang). 1941. Envelope written from 'T.K. Tong, Bhuket' addressed to Chicago bearing SG 289, 15s blue tied by bilingual Bhuket date stamp '23rd Sept 84 (1941) with blank censor tape tied by framed 'Opened By Censor. 45' in violet on face and reverse applied in transit in Penang.
Malaya. (Straits Settlements). 1939. Registered Air Mail envelope addressed to Denmark bearing Straits Settlements SG 292, $5 green and red (top left corner marginal) tied by Registered/ Penang date stamp '24th Mar 1939' with matching 'R/ Penang S.S. D' registration label and Kobenhaven arrival on reverse '31st March'.
Scarce single $5 franking to Europe by Imperial Airways.
Malaya. (Netherlands Post Office in Singapore). 1946. Air Mail envelope addressed to the Netherlands written from 'Motorts Bat. Cie, c/o Mariners Brigade, Batavia' endorsed 'On Active Service' with circular 'Netherlands Post Office/ Singapore' date stamp in violet '18th Feb 1946' and framed 10 Gr.' in violet on face.
Malaya. (B.M.A. - Netherlands Post Office in Singapore). 1946. Air Mail envelope written from 'Netherlands Post Office, Singapore' addressed to New Jersey bearing British Military Administration SG 9, 10c purple, SG 12, 15c ultramarine and SG 13, 25c purple tied by 'Netherlands Post Office/ Singapore' rubber date stamp in purple ' - Mar 1946'.
Australia. (Malaya - Netherlands Indies - Prisoner of War -Red Cross Mail). 1943. Printed Australian Red Cross envelope headed 'Prisoner of War Post./ Service Des Prisonniers De Guerre' written from 'Hawthorn, Victoria' addressed to 'Jan Hendrik Hoving, Dureausweg, 14a, Batavia, Civilian Internee, Java' and printed 'c/o Japanese Red Cross Society/ Tokoyo, Japan' with '3 Opened by Censor' label on reverse tied by octagonal framed '3/ Passed By Censor/ 390' in violet on reverse and face with boxed 'Ken' etsuzumi' (Censored) and circular seal of "Miura" in orange on reverse, hand-stamped in violet and endorsed in red crayon 'Mare e Ikan' (Transferred to Malaya) and endorsed 'B10' in pencil.
Malaya. (Netherlands Post Office in Singapore). 1946. Envelope addressed to Batavia written from 'H.K. Ned. Troopes, Kuala Lumper, Malaya' endorsed 'On Active Service' with circular 'Netherlands Post Office/ Singapore' date stamp in violet '27th Feb 1946' and circular 'RAPWI/ Postkantoor/ Batavia' receiver '1st Mch 46' on reverse in violet.
Nice item from the Netherlands Post Office in Singapore addressed to the 'Recovery of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees' Batavia.
China. (Great Britain). 1948. Air Mail envelope addressed to Shanghai, China bearing Great Britain SG 475, 1s bistre tied by Selby/ York double ring, underpaid with framed hexagon 'T' hand-stamp and endorsed '2.6000' in blue ink and bearing on reverse China postage dues SG D924, $2000 purple (block of 10 with right sheet margin and strip of three) applied and tied by Shanghai receiver '18th Sept 48' on reverse.
Scarce use of postage dues during the communist conquest and post war inflation period.
China. (Imperial Airways via Hong Kong). 1939. Registered Air Mail envelope addressed to Amsterdam, Netherlands bearing SG 425, 45c violet, SG 427, 60c blue and SG 429, $1 yellow-green tied by Shanghai date stamp '13th Nov 39' with matching registration label, endorsed 'via Hong Kong and per Imperial Airways' with Registered/ Hong Kong transit '20th Nov', bilingual 'Par Avion' label struck with framed 'cross' and Amsterdam arrival '2nd Dec' on face.
Attractive cover sent Imperial Air via Hong Kong with boxed 'jusqu'a' mark indicating end of Airmail service.
China. (Hong Kong - Thailand). 1939. Registered Air Mail envelope addressed to Amsterdam, Netherlands bearing SG 430, $2 brown tied by Shanghai date stamp '13th Oct 39' with matching registration label, endorsed 'via Hong Kong/ Bangkok and per K.L.M.' with 'Registered/ Hong Kong' transit on reverse '18th Oct and Amsterdam receiver '2nd Nov'.
Lovely single franking sent 'K.L.M.' via Bangkok.
China. (Hong Kong). 1941. Air Mail envelope addressed to Amsterdam, Netherlands bearing SG 493, 10c green, SG 496, 30c scarlet, SG 520, 21c sepia, SG 523, 30c maroon and SG 596, $5 black and scarlet tied by Shanghai date stamp '19th Sept 41', endorsed 'Pan Pacific and per American Airways', routed via Hong Kong with 'Opened By Censor' tape (black on white) tied by boxed '27' censor cachet in violet with framed '126' in blue on reverse and circular ' Air Transit/ 2' cachet in violet on face and German censor tape tied by German censor hand-stamp in red applied at Frankfurt.
Scarce item with the Air Transit 2 (13.10.40) - (8.11.41) paying the $5 . 91 cents two Oceans route via Hong Kong over the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.
Russia. (Burma Overland Mail). 1901. Registered Russian postal stationery envelope 5k violet upgraded with Yvert 38, 1k orange, Yvert 39, 2k green, Yvert 40, 3k rose, Yvert 41, 4k rose and Yvert 42, 5k purple tied by Moscow date stamp '18th Jan 1901' with circular 'R' hand-stamp and Moscou registration label, endorsed 'via Brindisi' in red crayon, addressed to Rangoon, Burma with Italy transit '4/2' and Sea Post Office transit 'Feb 18' and oval registered 'Sea Post Office' with '5435' endorsement in blue crayon in center and Rangoon arrival '28th Feb' on reverse.
A very beautiful six adhesive franking to Burma with scarce Registration Sea Post Office.
Russia. 1810. Folded letter written from St. Petersburg dated '22nd Feb 1810' addressed to Paris cancelled by small 'St. Petersburg' straight-line hand-stamp with 'Franco' hand-stamp, charged '20' in m/s red ink with 'Prusse Par/ Neuss' on face (Van der Linden 2352) and 'Prusse. p.m.' (Van der Linden 2360), with double ring Paris arrival 'Avril 13/ 1810' in red on reverse and re-rated '13' with '24 (erased) over 84' on reverse accountancy.
Fine item of mail routed via Magdeburg.
Russia. (Germany). 1859. Stamp-less folded letter written from St. Petersburg dated '26th Aout 1859' addressed to France, endorsed 'via Lubeck' with circular double ring 'F. TH. u. Tax. P.A.' dated '10th Sept 1859' on face, endorsed 'Porto' and charged with hand-struck '6' with French entry cachet and Paris receiver '12th Sept'.
Russia. (British Intervention Forces in Russia). 1918. Stamp-less picture post card of 'Archangel street scene' dated '22nd Dec 18' addressed to London cancelled by 'Field Post Office/ P.B. 66' double ring '23rd Dec 18' with oval 'X20' censor cachet in violet on face.
Fine item from Field Post Office P.B. 66 at Oberzerskaya from (15.1218) - (20.8.19).
Russia. (British Intervention Forces in Russia). 1919. Stamp-less picture post card written from 'Archangel' dated '2nd June 1919' addressed to London, endorsed 'On Active Service' cancelled by 'Field Post Office/ P.B. 77' double ring '19th June 19' with circular '(Crown)/ Passed By Censor/ No 47' in black on face.
Superb item from the British Army and Field Post Offices, Archangel Force. Emetskoe. Proud lists the Field Post Office (28.6.19) - (16.8.19).
Seychelles. (Naval Base). 1943. 'On Official Service' registered envelope addressed to 'Paymaster Lieutenant, T. Goldup R.N.V.R., Office of the Flag Officer, East Africa, Kilindini.' written from 'R.N. Base, Seychelles' dated '10.9.43', endorsed 'O.A.S.', bearing Great Britain SG 490, 3d pale violet tied by triangular framed 'Naval/ Passed By Censor' in blue anointed '860/ 21' in blue crayon (for registration), signed and dated '15/9.'
Scarce item of registered mail (3d pays the registration fee) from the 'Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve' on the Seychelles (consisting 20 personal). Little Naval mail is known from the Seychelles, the interesting 6 page letter mentions they will have an 'officers mess, 2 -3 R.N.V.R. and 6 civilians.'
Burma. (China - Field Post Office). Circa 1942. Air Mail envelope addressed to 'Mrs Evans, Worcester' written by 'Major J.G.W. Evans, Burma Frontier Force, Fuhai, Yunnan' bearing China SG 593, 50c blue, SG 594, $1 brown and blue (block of eight) tied by 'Field Post Office 242' date stamp on reverse of cover with bilingual 'Par Avion' label on face.
Major J.G.W. Evans was part of the 'Burma Frontier Force in China'. He was killed leading his patrol of 'LAHU LEVIES' (Unit) on an assault on two machine gun posts in the vicinity of Mongpawk, Kengtung State, Burma. The Lahu Levies had been raised by Major Evans at the request of General Lu, General Officer Commanding 93rd Division Chinese Central Government Army in December 1942. The Unit of the Burma Frontier Force in co-operation with the Chinese operated on the Northern Borders of Kengtung State against the Japanese and Siamese forces. The Lahu Levies was the smallest operation unit in Burma and fought from December 1942 until Evans death on April 8th 1943 at Mong Pawk.
China. (Boxer Rebellion - New South Wales Forces). 1907. Picture post card addressed to 'Sergeant Cantrel, R.A.M.C. Tientsin, North China' bearing New South Wales SG 334, 1d carmine-rose tied by Armidale/ N.S.W. date stamp '3rd March 07', routed via Victoria/ Hong Kong '30th March' with Base Office "B" dated '5th April' and 'F.P.O. No 4' receiver '9th April' on face.
Lovely item into the Royal Australian Medical Company in North China.
China. (Burma). 1942 Air Mail envelope addressed to Australia bearing SG 467, 8c green, SG 472, $1 brown and black (3) and SG 518, 17c olive tied by vernacular Yongchun date stamp '7th Jan 1942', routed via Kweilen and carried by 'CNAC' to Rangoon, Burma with '(Arms) Opened By Censor' label tied by framed 'Passed Censor/ 72/ X' in violet on face and reverse, then Imperial Airways to Bangkok with triangular framed '3/ Passed By Censor/ 304' in violet on face with '3 Opened by Censor' label applied in Melbourne on arrival.
Scarce item from Fujian Province via Kweilen and Rangoon by 'C.N.A.C.'
Konrad Morenweiser in 'British Asia' WW2 Censorship only lists the Rangoon 'X' censor from numbers 3 - 69.
China. (Boxer Rebellion - New South Wales Forces). 1907. Picture post card of 'The Cascades, Leura, N.S.W. addressed to 'Sergeant Cantrel, R.A.M.C. Tientsin, North China' bearing New South Wales SG 334, 1d carmine-rose tied by Armidale/ N.S.W. date stamp '10th Feb 07', routed via Victoria/ Hong Kong '11th March' with Base Office "B" dated '20th March' and 'F.P.O. No 4' receiver '29th March on face.
Lovely incoming mail to the Royal Australian Medical Corps in North China.
Hong Kong. (Treaty Ports). 1905. Picture post card of 'Limpsfield Common' addressed to 'Hiy Hwa, Foochow, China' bearing Great Britain SG 219, 1d scarlet tied by Limpsfield/ J08 duplex 'Feb 14 05', routed via Victoria, Hong Kong with Chinese Imperial Post Fukien transit 'March 24' and vernacular hand-stamp in red and 'Foochowfoo/ A' receiver (incorrect date slug).
Foochowfoo arrival Webb Type "B" arrival.
Hong Kong. (Switzerland - Treaty Ports). 1904. Picture post card of 'Swiss lady in national costume' written from the 'Hotel de Sauvage, Meiringen' with circular hotel cachet in mauve addressed to 'C.M.S.' (Church Missionary Society) Foochow, China' bearing Switzerland Yvert 60, 10c vermilion tied by Meiringen date stamp '15th June 04', routed via Singapore and Hong Kong with marine sorter 'Singapore To Hong Kong/ C' date stamp '10th Jy 04' sent on the steamer "Simla" arriving in Hong Kong '15th July' with 'Foochow/ A' arrival 'July 20th'.
Foochow receiver Webb Type "E".
Its a real pleasure to add a magnificent selection of French Colonies from Africa, Asia, The Caribbean and Oceania. Very fine pre-stamp, British Post Office, Charged Mail, Advice of Receipt, Printed Matter and postage due mail. A lovely selection of censor mail, some with five or six censor cachets and labels, routed Trans-Africa, two Ocean or over the Atlantic with some unusual destinations.
A few items from the Dr. Edward Grabowski collection, this amazing sale sold in three parts by Spink. Also interesting Tahiti and New Caledonia from Tony Eastgate's life time work.
Over the next few months we hope to add many items to grace the finest collections.
A strong area of stock is our China from Imperial to WW2 with many fine censor covers and Air Transits. A good selection of the overseas Post Offices, Austrian, British, French, Japanese and Russian with offices in Manchuria. Many mixed combinations, I.P.O's .
Coming soon the John Marc Sitarek accumulation of China, French Post Office and Indo-China with magnificent French Detachment in the Boxer Campaign covers.
John Marc also had a fine selection of the Chinese Labour Force which are not often seen, he built this selection over thirty years. One of the darker aspects of World War One was the plight of 12,000 Chinese workers who were recruited by the British Army from the North of China in 1916 to serve on the battle front in France as labourers, trench diggers, munitions carriers, mine disarmers and corpse bearers under often inhumane conditions. A large number were also struck down by the devastating Spanish flue of 1918.